Hi! my name is Abdirisak
"The reason I am taking part in this project is that my father used to be a seaman in the Second World War. I want to learn more about his time in the navy, and I also want his story to be heard."

my name is Zakarya
"I am doing this project because my grandfather is also involved. I am interested to learn the history of the Somali seafarers."
my name is Abdallah
"I am doing this project because I would like to discover the history of Somalia. In this project we are learning how to ask open questions to get long answers. It is really interesting and enjoyable! We are also learning how to take pictures and record videos to make a documentary."

my name is Abdirahman
The main objective on this project is to learn our history and maintained , the amazing art of the Somali seafarers , their struggle , sacrifice , and what they did for their families and countries . this can be very helpful for my generation and others too. we learning to how to hold an great interviews and record short films, documentary .