Surviving the sea

About the project
Somali Seafarers is a project run collaboratively between Eastside Community Heritage and the Somali Senior Citizens Club of Tower Hamlets. During 2018, we are going to train a group of young volunteers from the Somali Community in the heritage skills necessary to discover and record the life stories of Somali sailors. These oral histories will be included in a book sent to the Somali communities of Cardiff, Liverpool, and South Shields, and they will also be used to make an exhibition for Black History Month.
About Eastside Community Heritage
Eastside Community Heritage seeks to build, service and enable partnerships which record, document and preserve the experiences of different communities, through the provision of social, cultural, educational and historical activities. Our methodology incorporates education and training, with schools, families and adult learners. Eastside produces exhibitions, publications and multi media which are an opportunity for all cultures and age ranges to engage in a proactive discovery of their own and their community’s history, culture and heritage.